Verify a Linkchain Anchored Comunica Query

Connect to MetaMask (Select a testnet)

Note: Requires a configured Metamask wallet - see documentation.

Ethereum Account:

Connect to Solid (optional - only if you want to store data to Solid)

Solid Web ID:

Verify an Anchored Query

Either load from browser Stored Data in the table at the bottom, choose the local files to use, load from Solid Urls or paste the data into the boxes.


(JSON-LD object containing query, sources, results and query plans)


Verification results contain two arrays, 'verified' and 'unverified', in N-Quads/N-Triples format, for quads/triples which passed or failed verification, respectively.

Solid Stored Data

Browser Stored Data

Date Sources Query Query Result SPARQL Trace Data Anchored MerQL Metadata Granular Anchored MerQL Metadata Verify